Shared Resources
UCLA provides extensive shared resources to help researchers discover how to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer.
Discover How We Can Support Your Research
The UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center operates six dedicated shared resources to support our researchers. Below you will find information on each shared resource including services and rates. UCLA also offers extensive shared resources that are available to you as a member.

Biostatistics, Analytical Support & Evaluation
Serves as the biostatistical and biomathematical resource for investigators in data analysis, modeling and management.

Flow Cytometry
Supports instrumentation, and technical and professional assistance for performing laser-based flow cytometry.

Provides comprehensive next generation sequencing and microarray services in a cost-effective and timely manner to serve UCLA’s basic, translational and clinical researchers.

Molecular Screening
Maintains small molecule chemical libraries for screening by investigators, and can tap into existing libraries and develop new libraries in conjunction with UCLA chemists.

Small Animal Imaging
Performs imaging for UCLA investigators and the scientific community. The resource also assists with study design, procedures, and training and data analysis for interpretation of results.

Translational Pathology Core Laboratory
Performs human tissue procurement, histology services, laser capture microdissection, immunohistochemistry/immunofluorescence, data analysis, and pathology consultation services.
Other UCLA Shared Resources
In addition to our six shared resources, UCLA offers many other shared resources to support your cancer research. Below is a list of resources available to you. This list is updated periodically as new resources are developed. If you have a resource that is not listed that you believe should be, please contact Peter Bracke, Web Strategist & Administrator,
Immune Assessment Core
CLIA certified laboratory that provides comprehensive immunological testing services for basic, clinical, and translational studies.
Houses five mass spectrometers, used for the structural determination and quantification of a wide variety of organic and inorganic compounds.
Provides metabolomics and proteomics shared resources.
Full-service technology center that offers a comprehensive suite of proteomic services to the UCLA community and other partnering institutions.
Specializes in mitochondrial bioenergetics, providing guidance and services focused on mitochondrial bioenergetic functions, including respirometry and ATP production, as well as imaging of mitochondrial mass, membrane potential and reactive oxygen species.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program has collected data on cancer cases from across the nation since 1973 and can provide this information and cancer statistics to support research.
The UCLA Health Tumor Registry collects data on all cancer patients seen at UCLA Health hospitals and clinics. This data can be mined for your research.
Provides automated and semi-automated processing of medical images with a special focus on vascular diseases and cancer using advanced pattern recognition and machine learning algorithms.
The ability to obtain electronic medical record data from patients seen at UCLA Health hospitals and clinics for research purposes. Specific approvals required.
Specializes in research and clinical data collection, management, and reporting solutions. Also develops Internet-accessible, web-based database applications that enable and enhance clinical & basic research and education.
Provides imaging core lab services, including and clinical quantitative imaging services.
Provides Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA or DEXA) Body Composition Analysis. Specialized scans to assess Bone Mineral Density analysis are also available.
Supports researchers who do not have appropriate laboratory expertise or lab space and instrumentation to carry out virologic, immunologic, and microbiome/genomics studies
CLIA certified laboratory that provides comprehensive immunological testing services for basic, clinical, and translational studies.
Provides comprehensive testing for organ and tissue transplantation to physicians, patients, pharmaceutical companies, and other medical facilities.
Performs services related to microbiome studies including gene and metagenomics sequencing, sample collection and processing, and bioinformatics and data analysis.
Provides RNA/DNA library preparation and sequencing, genotyping, whole genome methylation assays and additional services.
Services include consultation and troubleshooting in techniques for efficient gene delivery, virus production, customized gene expression profiling, cytological phenotype profiling, and high-throughput molecular screening studies.
Provides highest quality of quantitative lipid measurements from biological samples including cells, tissue, serum, and media. Also offers automated sample preparation, two mass spectrometry platforms, and data analysis.
Consultation and technical assistance available to researchers prior to, and following, experiments.
Provides wide range of sample characterization techniques for researchers and mass spectrometry services.
Uses cryo-electron microscopy (also known as cryoEM) to “take photographs” of viruses and other macro-molecular complexes.
Offers consultation, services, and support for the application of novel microscopic and spectroscopic methods and advanced image analysis techniques for the study of macromolecules, cellular dynamics, and nano-scale characterization of bio-materials.
Provides resources for data acquisition and analysis for radioactive, fluorescent, and photographic samples as well as digital imaging and document production.
Services include fixation and embedding of specimens, thin sectioning, use of the electron microscopes, gold labeling, negative stain, and light microscopy of plastic embedded materials.
Provides state-of-the-art electron microscopy instruments and assisted usage services, and also offers training to help users address complex electron imaging needs.
Highly specialized Core that provides a convenient small animal model to study HIV pathogenesis, pharmacologic approaches to treat HIV, and gene therapy studies in vivo.
Provides a unique collection of analytical and imaging tools along with expert technical support to enable the physicochemical characterization of nanomaterials and systems under a wide range of applications and experimental conditions.
One of the highest quality AALAC-accredited Mouse Cores in the country, breeds and houses mice specifically for radiation experiments.
Core services includes human MRI research scanning, and facilities provide a full suite of advanced pulse sequences for structural functional, diffusion, blood flow, spectroscopic imaging and EEG systems.